





sales opportunities generated in 3 months

Over the last two years, we have worked closely with Webcertain, who have set up and managed PPC activities for our AeraMax Air Purifier product. The activity has helped raise awareness of our product and has been highly successful in terms of generating leads for our sales teams. This has resulted in excellent sales for the businesses, generating a solid ROI and long-term partnerships with new distributors. Webcertain has been proactive about recommending new optimisations to help drive performance and has always proved itself to be a knowledgeable, friendly and effective partner.

Tom Miller, Category Development Specialist ‑ Air Treatment, Fellowes.


Fellowes does not sell directly online, so the client’s aim was to boost leads for its sales team. Leads would be generated through forms on website landing pages.

We suggested running a lead generation-focused campaign on Google Ads. This encompassed search, as well as display prospecting and remarketing.

The campaign aimed to drive traffic to the campaign landing pages and boost form fills. Leads would then be nurtured by Fellowes’ sales teams.


We created innovative and engaging paid search campaigns on Google Ads, using the latest paid search marketing techniques.

This, in combination with attractive and engaging display ads, helped to drive traffic and encourage conversions.

During the campaign period, we carried out vigorous testing and optimisation to drive leads and boost campaign performance.


  1. We carried out in-depth keyword research for all markets, identifying the most important terms to bid on.
  2. Following this, we built out campaigns for Fellowes, creating engaging ad copies and a full suite of extensions which were localised for each market.
  3. We also designed ads for display and remarketing.
  4. Our PPC experts set up the campaign on Fellowes’ behalf, considering closely the goal, target audiences and campaign KPIs.
  5. We continued to manage the campaign, monitoring performance and optimising regularly in order to maximise results for Fellowes.

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