

new followers in one month


social actions



Webcertain was instrumental in making our LinkedIn Sponsored Content campaigns a success. They quickly and effectively created and implemented posts in seven languages, and they managed the optimisation in our LinkedIn campaign account on a regular basis. As a result, we gained a substantial number of followers, great engagement and even qualified leads for sales to follow-up.

Nathalie Florin, Digital Marketing Leader EMEA, DuPont.


DuPont wanted to increase social engagement and the number of followers on its LinkedIn page.

It hoped to bring new visitors to its website from its LinkedIn page.

It wanted to run a LinkedIn sponsored updates campaign, targeting specific professions and industries, in addition to traditional PPC activity.

This was an international project covering seven European markets: the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Poland and Turkey.


We worked with DuPont to create, localise and manage a LinkedIn sponsored updates campaign.

Specifically, we promoted its Tyvek® 500HV high-visibility coverall via a product presentation video.


  1. We created localised descriptions in the seven target languages to encourage users to click on the LinkedIn sponsored updates posts.
  2. We then managed the campaign, regularly monitoring and optimising the posts in order to maximise DuPont’s return-on-investment.

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