
If you intend to distribute your video internationally, it is essential that all elements of your video are localised as failing to do so may cause problems with comprehension and discourage your target audience from watching. An audiovisual engineer will localise your on-screen text, graphics and animations to make them suitable for your target country, either by editing the video directly or a template that masks the existing on-screen text.

Here’s when Multilingual video editing can help!

When your source video contains on-screen text, graphics and/or animations that need localising

What our clients say

Audiovisual - took an impossible task for us and made it a reality.

Webcertain approached our project with great care, thought, and expertise. Their team met with us to ensure they understood all the requirements for the project and maintained regular communication throughout.

The timeliness and quality of their work from translation and voice over options to video services cannot be overstated. They took what seemed like an impossible task for us and made it a reality.

Christie Wilson,
Director of Training,
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America


When you have created video content in English and want to distribute it internationally, it is important that the entire video, including on-screen text, graphics and animations, is localised for your target market. If it is not, then your video will not feel local to your target audience, which may discourage them from watching the rest of your video if they feel it is not aimed at them.

An audiovisual engineer will edit any on-screen text, graphics and animations using the translated content to make them suitable for your target country.

Quality process

Ideally we would need access to the original source files to assess just how we can work with the content and to deliver an indication of the time it will take. We also request the original source video.

An audiovisual engineer will edit your on-screen text, graphics and animations using the translated content. Depending on the format in which we receive the video – either the original, editable source file format or any other format – we can edit the text directly in the original file or we can edit a template that masks the existing on-screen text before rendering the video.

Please note that this service is only available as part of a package.

Webcertain Group is passionate about generating business growth for its clients in any part of the world.

A team of native speakers of all the world’s major languages works together to achieve client objectives - no one understands working with different cultures and the nuances of language in the globe’s search engines better than the Webcertain multilingual teams. Webcertain can deliver translation in over 140 languages.

Benefits of working with Webcertain:

International specialist since 1997

Transparency and online portal management

No minimum contract period

No minimum order value

International know-how shared

Quick response times