Naver And Kakao Start Using AI In Chatbots

The South Korean tech giants, Naver and Kakao, have each begun using their own AI technologies in chatbots. Both platforms have started to incorporate the technology in a bid to introduce the ability for users to complete transactions through each of their messaging services. Naver has also released a Domino's Pizza chatbot that allows users to order food. The messaging company said that, using location technology, consumers “no longer have to figure out the location or phone number of a nearby Domino's outlet”, explaining that an order can be placed via a simple button within the chatbot. This comes at the same time that Naver also launched a “shopping chatbot” which acts as a shopping assistant on ecommerce sites hosted by the company. It added that 12% of people who used the bot ended up buying the product they asked about. Meanwhile, Kakao has set up a new division of the company dedicated entirely to developing its AI chatbots, a technology which it recently introduced to its Plus Friends service.