Ecommerce To Dominate US Holiday Shopping 2017

The majority of shopping will take place online this holiday season, according to research conducted by Deloitte. The study looked at expected holiday spending in the US and found that 51% of money spent is expected to be online. A further 42% is expected to be spent in physical stores, with 4% going on catalogue orders and 3% coming from “other” sources. This is the first time ever that online shopping is expected to be greater than in-store spending over the holiday season. The study identified five areas where online outperformed in-store shopping, including the ease of searching, the quality of products, the variety of products, the availability of unique products and the variety of delivery options. Looking at the amount of money expected to be spent in the US this holiday season, Deloitte predicted that ecommerce sales will increase by 18 to 21% year-on-year.