A guide to LinkedIn Sponsored Content campaigns

With over 1 billion users worldwide, LinkedIn is the world's largest professional social network. Over the years, LinkedIn has evolved from a simple networking platform where users would upload their CVs, to a professional content sharing platform. LinkedIn nowadays is a key platform where businesses can promote multiple types of content and build their reputation as a thought leader in their industry. In this guide, you will learn how to harness the power of LinkedIn Sponsored Content campaigns to get your content in front of your target audience in a way that is designed to maximise conversions. From reading this guide, you will learn:

  • what LinkedIn Sponsored Content is
  • when to consider a LinkedIn Sponsored Content campaign
  • what kind of content you should promote with LinkedIn Sponsored Content campaigns
  • how to use LinkedIn's ad targeting system
  • how to design an international Sponsored Content campaign

Whether you are just getting started with LinkedIn Sponsored Content or if you want to improve your existing efforts, this guide is a must for any business wanting to ensure they use LinkedIn Sponsored Content campaigns to maximum effect.