Women Turned Off By Too Many Sponsored Posts

A survey has shown that influencer marketing is highly successful amongst women, but too many sponsored posts can have a negative effect. The research was undertaken by the influencer platform Bloglovin' and found that over a third of woman in its global userbase have at some point unfollowed an influencer due to over-posting. It was also found that two-thirds of women felt that a sponsored post which didn't appear to be genuine would discourage them from engaging with it. However, the survey also backed up evidence suggesting that influencer marketing can be very powerful, after 54% of respondents said that an influencer's post had directly made them purchase that product, whilst 45% had followed a brand they had seen on an influencer's page. A second survey also looked at which were the most effective social media platforms for female internet users to engage with influencer posts. This found that 57% of respondents on Facebook engaged with sponsored posts, followed by Instagram and Pinterest.