When Are People Most Likely To Open Push Notifications?

Research by Leanplum has revealed that the majority of mobile marketers, 63%, are missing out on opportunities by not sending out push notifications at the right times. Marketers are failing to take into account cultural differences with regards to when users are most likely to be engaged with their mobile device. In North America, users are most engaged around 4pm and 5pm, yet many marketers are sending out push notifications between noon and 4pm, resulting in low numbers of people opening the notification. Likewise, in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, users are most engaged around 9pm and 10pm, yet most marketers are sending out push notifications an hour too early. In Latin America, users are most engaged around 5pm and 6pm, and in the Asia-Pacific region users are most engaged between 7am and 1pm, but again push notifications aren't coinciding with these times.