What Are The Most Popular Ecommerce Delivery Options In Israel?

Delivery is the most difficult thing there. They would very much tend to buy in places where you have free delivery. But the thing is that, it can be free delivery until it gets to Israel. And then a lot of times you have taxes. So you can buy something and you think it\'s free delivery, but later when you go to the post office they tell you, well, you can take it, as long as you pay this, this, and that. So this is a bit problematic there. There\'s also problem with the mail office. They are so many purchases coming through that the Israeli mail is practically collapsed. It just cannot face that. So they\'re trying to do some parallel systems, delivery systems.There are two now in trials. One of them is called BoxIt. You have lockers in petrol stations, and then you get a code, one off code, from the supplier. And you just go there and you take what you bought. And something else is there is a chain, like a drug store chain, which is open 24/7. And then you can take it from there, which is called to Super Farm. So you can buy something online, and then you go there and you take it. So it\'s a bit opposite like eBay here. EBay here, like if you want to sell something, it can go to the petrol station and leave it there, and then somebody takes it afterwards, right? So it\'s the same thing.