TV Ads More Effective Than Online Ads In Asia

People in the Asia Pacific region trust TV adverts more than online video adverts, according to research by Nielsen. Looking across 12 Asia Pacific countries, they found that 66% trusted TV adverts, compared to 48% who trusted video adverts they saw online. There was regional variation in the levels of trust, but in each of the countries TV adverts were viewed as more trustworthy than online video adverts. Viewers in India, Indonesia and Thailand trusted TV adverts more than anywhere else, with Hong Kong trusting TV ads the least. Looking at online video ads, India, the Philippines and Thailand trusted online ads the most, with Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea trusting them the least. The research also found that TV adverts persuaded more people to do the desired action. Three quarters said they acted after watching a TV advert, compared to just 58% who took action after watching an online video ad.