Study Investigates Cross-Border Ecommerce in China

4 August 2015. PayPal has published a study about cross-border ecommerce habits in China. The study revealed that three-quarters of online Chinese adults have bought from an American retailer, and that half of online shoppers are planning on increasing their cross-border ecommerce purchases in the next year. The most popular product categories bought by Chinese cross-border shoppers were clothes, vitamins, and children and baby products. The two key reasons given by Chinese shoppers on why they bought American goods were their perceived quality and authenticity. Chinese shoppers are a lucrative target for international retailers, with research showing that they spend on average twice as much as a US online shopper. PayPal is trying to enter the Chinese online payments market, which is currently dominated by Alipay. To help it to achieve this goal, it has teamed up with the Chinese bank UnionPay, a move that has given it access to UnionPay's 4.7 billion cardholders.