Malaysians Most Concerned About Online Personal Data

Malaysia's internet shoppers have been found to be the most concerned about their personal data. The study, conducted by KPMG, showed that three quarters of Malaysians worried about what would happen to personal information when shopping online, closely followed by 72% of Finns. This compared to other European countries such as Italy and Spain, where it was found that most internet users were in favour of governments collecting personal data. Across the world, KPMG also found that nearly one third of online shoppers were okay with data being sold to third parties, whilst 55% had in the past decided to not purchase something over concerns about data privacy. KPMG said that the results of the survey showed that ā€œit is important that [brands] understand that opinions on privacy vary around the globeā€ and that ā€œconsumers value privacy over convenienceā€.Ā