Indian Ecommerce Market Set to Grow Ten-Fold

5 August 2015. India's ecommerce market is set to grow ten-fold in the next 10 years, according to the Indian e-retailer Snapdeal. The Indian ecommerce market is currently worth an estimated 25 billion US dollars, but this could hit 250 billion by 2025 as the market grows at a compound annual growth rate of 35%. This is good news for Snapdeal, which has a 35% share of the Indian ecommerce market. If it retains its current market share, it will be looking at profits of 75 billion US dollars within the next decade. Highlighting the rapid growth of the Indian ecommerce market, Snapdeal said: “It took us three years to get the first 100,000 sellers, [but] the next 100,000 will come in in just six months. That\'s how exponential India\'s growth [is]… I think India is taking to online buying and selling at a pace that even China did not see.”