Bing Ads Launches Exact Match Impression Shares

Bing Ads has added the option to view exact match impression share. Exact match impression share refers to the percentage of impressions that an advertiser received for searches that exactly matched their keywords, out of the total estimated exact match impressions they were eligible to receive. A low impression share and low exact match impression share would indicate that an advertiser was not competitive on all searches. In comparison, a high impression share and low exact match impression share would indicate that they were not competitive on exact match searches. Alternatively, a low impression share but high exact match impression share would indicate that they were not competitive on broad or phrase match searches. Advertisers can find exact match impression share data in the Reports page by clicking on Standard Reports, then Performance, then selecting either Account, Campaign or Ad Group. To see the data, they will then need to select it from the Attributes section under the column picker.