Trained search marketers who speak the language

Whether you're looking to launch a new website in mainland China or improve existing rankings on Baidu, identifying relevant search queries is an important starting point when dealing with China's market-leading search engine. All our researchers are experienced search marketers and being native to the Chinese market, are naturally in tune with local marketing norms and cultural nuances. We'll deliver an easy-to-use report that can be used to inform your website optimisation efforts in China.

This service can help...

When you lack a native Chinese speaker with experience of working with Baidu.

When you need to identify relevant keyword opportunities on Baidu.

When you need to refresh your existing target keywords and find additional opportunities.

When you’re planning to launch new products or services in China and want to optimise your website accordingly.

When translating your website/pages for the Chinese market.

Want to learn more?

What our clients say

Serious about penetrating international markets

Webcertain is one of the most transparent, honest and professional suppliers I have worked with in my ten years of marketing experience. They have a wide range of online marketing professionals who can help you strategise, execute and measure your international marketing efforts. If your company is serious about penetrating international markets with a sound search marketing strategy, I would highly recommend them.

Why is keyword research important?

Baidu is the leading search engine in mainland China with over 70% market share. Whilst China's other key native search engines (Qihoo's 360 Search and Sogou) represent additional opportunities, it's Baidu that should be prioritised when targeting the country's internet users.

For marketers seeking to improve visibility in the organic search results of Baidu, the first step is to identify the search queries used by the target audience. By conducting thorough research over a variety of sources to identify keywords which are relevant and have as high traffic as possible, a set of strategically important keywords can be determined and form the basis of all on-page and off-page website optimisation efforts.

All research is conducted by a native Chinese-speaking search marketer, who is experienced with local research tools and the additional complexities of working with Baidu. This blend of technical, marketing and linguistic skills is the most effective method of discovering relevant keywords on Baidu and is something that cannot be achieved by applying a translation process.

The outcome of the research will be a report that shows a categorised list of keywords and corresponding data, such as estimated daily search volumes.

We recommend that research is refreshed on a regular basis to identify changes in the patterns of search on Baidu.

How it works

The process begins by completing a briefing questionnaire with your Account Manager to clarify your objectives for the research. This briefing will be visible to all the team members involved with delivering the research and is the foundation for all our quality checks.

Our native-speaking search specialist(s) will review the brief and ask for further clarifications if necessary, or will otherwise accept the brief and confirm a completion date.

When conducting the research, our team begins by reviewing your website or landing pages (if available) to compile an initial 'seed' list of relevant words and phrases in the target language. Using keyword research tools and techniques, we'll expand these seed words and select the most relevant keywords according to the agreed brief. These keywords are then categorised by theme and/or any other relevant metrics and added to our reporting template in Excel format.

Webcertain Group is passionate about generating business growth for its clients in any part of the world.

A team of native speakers of all the world’s major languages works together to achieve client objectives - no one understands working with different cultures and the nuances of language in the globe’s search engines better than the Webcertain multilingual teams. Webcertain operates in 44 languages.

Benefits of working with Webcertain:

International specialist since 1997

Transparency and online portal management

No minimum contract period

No minimum order value

International know-how shared

Quick response times