
LinkedIn is one of the world's leading professional social networks, which means that it is an important platform when targeting a global audience. With this service, we will create new and engaging posts to guarantee fresh, up-to-date content. A Social Media Specialist and native speaker of the target language will deliver this service.

This service can help...

When you do not have the resources or local teams to deal with social media.

When you already have a global strategy that you would like to apply to other countries/languages where you do not have local resources.

Success story: How we boosted engagement and followers on LinkedIn using sponsored updates

What our clients say

Achieving success on LinkedIn

Webcertain was instrumental in making our LinkedIn Sponsored Content campaigns a success. They quickly and effectively created and implemented posts in seven languages, and they managed the optimisation in our LinkedIn campaign account on a regular basis. As a result, we gain a substantial number of followers, great engagement and even qualified leads for sales to follow-up.


LinkedIn is one of the world's leading professional social networks, which means that it is an important platform when targeting a global audience.

Social networks, used properly, can help grow your business or brand and develop relationships with your customers.

We will write posts for your LinkedIn account and deliver these in an Excel file.

How it works

The process begins by completing a briefing questionnaire to clarify your objectives. This briefing will be visible to all the team members involved with delivering the service and is the foundation for all our quality checks. We will ask you to provide details of the topics you want us to write about.

A native speaker of your target language, under the supervision of a Social Media Specialist, will create ads for your LinkedIn pages. Please note that this service covers the creation of textual content only, not images.

Webcertain Group is passionate about generating business growth for its clients in any part of the world.

A team of native speakers of all the world’s major languages works together to achieve client objectives - no one understands working with different cultures and the nuances of language in the globe’s search engines better than the Webcertain multilingual teams. Webcertain operates in 44 languages.

Benefits of working with Webcertain:

International specialist since 1997

Transparency and online portal management

No minimum contract period

No minimum order value

International know-how shared

Quick response times