China Accounts For 40% Of Global Ecommerce Market

A report released by Sina has shown that China's ecommerce market now accounts for 40% of global online sales. China's ecommerce market has been the largest in the world for two consecutive years now, but the growth in the past twelve months has taken its value to 26 trillion yuan; a near 20% increase. The report from Sina also shows that in 2016 there were 467 million online shoppers in the country, or 64% of its internet population, another impressive increase, this time of 12% since 2015. Mcommerce has also seen a recent surge in China, with an annual growth rate of 30%, taking the total number of those buying on a mobile device to 441 million users. The recent growth within the sector has been put down to the recent expansions from Alibaba's marketplaces, Tmall and Taobao, as well as the fast growth from